Write Your World
Susan Wallach, an accredited leader of the Amherst Writers and Artists method, was an editor at Random House, and is a published Young Adult author. Her other writing projects include ghostwriting for Holt Henry Books for Young Readers and Temple University Press. She’s been leading AWA writing workshops for six years in the Hudson Valley and in Brooklyn.
About My Workshop
I follow the Amherst Writers and Artists method, which encourages writers to explore and take risks in a safe and supportive place. Through the evocative prompts that I provide, writers develop their unique voice and creativity, explore new genres, focus on their work-in-progress, generate new work, and write through their blocks. Some of my prompts concentrate on character development, creating atmosphere and place, and dialogue.
During the workshop, everyone writes and we read our first drafts aloud, receiving only positive feedback, focusing on what sounds strong, beautiful, what stays with the listener, what’s memorable. The workshops are for all levels of writers in all genres.
During this time of the pandemic, I’m on offering workshops online.

Praise for Susan’s writing workshops
Susan got me writing again after a long hiatus. Her empathetic and supportive teaching style put me at ease right away. I look forward to the workshop every week, and find myself more eager to write and create all week long. I would highly recommend Susan’s workshops to writers of any level and background who want nonjudgmental space to work on their craft.
M Gorin
Even when I can’t write at any other time, when I’m in Susan’s group I can write… There’s rarely a piece written in our group, inspired by one of Susan’s seemingly endless source of writing prompts, that doesn’t evoke some strong emotion or memory or connection. She challenges her writers to stretch their imaginations and push beyond their comfort zones… She’s patient and supportive and has a marked ability to focus on specific writing strengths – strengths we didn’t know we possessed…Susan has not only changed my writing. She’s changed my life.
M Jacobs
I have taken Susan’s writing workshop for the past 5 years and enjoyed every moment. Writing with the group has helped me to find my voice and share my love of writing with others. Susan provides innovative and creative prompts that inspire and allow for experimentation… I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough.
E Varela-Burstein